We’re Committed

Rally Ministry is committed to fulfilling the Great Commission, and we invite you to join us on this journey!


Since the beginning of creation, God has always sent out His Word with the express purpose to create. He sends it to create light where there is darkness, to create substance where there is void, and to create relationships where there is separation. Because we are made in His image, God has called us to continue spreading His Word. With that in mind, we would ask you to partner with us as we use our influence to carry the good news to the nations.


Partnership is a commitment which we all can benefit from as we work together to build the Kingdom of God. The spiritual law of sowing and reaping found in God’s Word ensures that you’ll be blessed when you plant your seed in good ground. When we grow so do you.


We want to thank you for prayerfully considering becoming a Rally Ministry partner. We’d love for you to be a part of every outreach, every salvation, and every life restored. It only takes one person to make a difference; be the one today!

We’re doing this together.

Partnership means we’re in this together. God refers to His Church as a body, with each member being just as vital as the other. The partner who makes ministry possible is just as important as the speaker who presents the Gospel from the stage.

Here are a couple ways you can be a part of the work God is doing at Rally Ministry.

1. Pray With Us.

Join with us in agreement over our continued outreaches. Believe with us as we receive wisdom and understanding to execute God’s plan for Rally Ministry.

2. Give With Us.

We invite you to pray and ask the Lord what your financial part is in the work of Rally Ministry. According to God’s Word, as you sow into good ground you’ll reap a harvest on the seed you plant.

3. Join Us.

Your part could be going into all the world with us! Stay connected to hear about upcoming events and outreaches, including the opening Rally TV Episodes.