Finishing Strong

“It’s time to finish strong!”

Rally Partners, that’s what I’m hearing in my Spirit-man. It’s time to finish strong!

Hearing this, I am reminded of what The Lord said to us back in April. He said, as His people in 2020, we are going to come out whole with silver and gold!

Psalm 105:37, KJV

He brought them forth also with silver and gold: and there was not one feeble person among their tribes.

This Word still carries power. It still carries weight!

For the world, 2020 has been overwhelmed with change. But for the Household of Faith, it has been a year of faith in the Word of God! By having faith in the Word, we have seen, time after time, God do mighty works in our midst like no other!

We, as the people of God, should only experience what we see in the Word, since we choose to make it first-place in our lives. That’s what we should see manifesting daily, as we walk this walk by faith!

Partners, please allow me to share something with you. Every day, Nettie and I have to wake up and use our faith like a tool—like a mechanic uses tools to fix a car. I’ll say this—we can’t do the job without the right tools! Once in a while, when I work on my motorcycles, I come to the place where I realize I need to go to the shop to ask for a specific tool to do the job right. It’s the same way in our walk of faith. You need specific words, specific scriptures, and specific teachings that will bring the faith you need to overcome a situation.

For instance, if you need healing, you need healing words. If you need financial increase, you need financial increase words. If you need joy, you need joy words. These words bring the faith you need to receive what you need. No faith? No receiving from God. Faith is the tool to get the job done.

In 2020, God has been faithful to perform His Word, as we speak it day after day. You can’t just think about a scripture one time and believe you’ve got the victory. You have to speak the Word and believe the Word. Then you do it again and again, until it’s deep in your heart. Eventually, you’ll come to a place where you’re totally convinced that God will do what He said He would do.

We live by faith, not by what we see or feel, or even what other people are saying. We live by what we say, and it had better be what God is saying!

Let me remind you again that God said we’re coming out of 2020 whole, with silver and gold. “Whole” means “nothing missing and nothing broken!”

Meditate on this verse again!

Psalm 105:37 KJV

He brought them forth also with silver and gold: and there was not one feeble person among their tribes.

Come on—somebody say “AMEN!”

Nettie, myself, and all of us here at Rally Ministry want to stop and thank you for all the love that you have shown us over the past year. We appreciate your prayers, your volunteering, and your financial seeds. God is using you to help us do what He called us to do. We want to say thank you, and we do declare that you will

receive a 100-fold return. In Jesus’ name, amen!

We love you, and we speak over you a Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year! And, as always,—GLORY!!



2021. My Breakthrough.


Where Dreamers Gather